
Horses for sale

Stall #2
2 Sorrel Appendix QH Gelding, 10yo, 16. hands, English uphill W/T/C has both leads, and jumps. He has great ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, hauls, stands tied anywhere, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands for mount and dismount and is good for the vet and the farrier. Loads in the trailer well and is quiet in new places.
Stall #5
5 Black QH Gelding, 13yo, 15.1 hands, English or Western, has W/T/C jumps, both leads, will go Western and down the trail. Great alone or in company. He stands quiet for mount and dismount. He has good ground manners, is easy to catch, lead, load, haul, stands tied, bathes, grooms, gentle to pick feet, saddles, and bridles, and is quiet for the vet and the farrier.
Stall #7
7 Chestnut QH Gelding, 8yo, 15.2 hands, Lovely English or Western, He is a nice mover. He has both leads, easy neck rein. He is willing to the jump and is simple to ride. He handles commotion well, He trail rides great out alone or in a group. He loads, hauls, is great around other horses, in the barn, tied to the trailer, good for the vet and the farrier, is good to bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle.
Stall #8
8 Red Roan QH Gelding, 9yo, 15. hands, English or Western, has neck rein, steps off into both leads and trail safe. He has great ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, hauls, stands tied anywhere, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands for mount and dismount and is good for the vet and the farrier. Loads in the trailer well and is quiet in new places.
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Stall #32
32 Grey QH Mare, 12yo, 15 hands, Sweet temperament and stunning looks, She will happily do the 4H and is great for the whole family to enjoy. Cute mover will jump a cross-rail and go down the trail. She has great ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, hauls, stands tied anywhere, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands for mount and dismount and is good for the vet and the farrier. Loads in the trailer well and is quiet in new places.
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Stall #34
34 Chestnut QH Gelding, 6yo, 16 hands, Quiet and gentle, perfect Husband or Guest horse, well trained English and Western. He is easy to catch, does well stalled. He will load in and out of the trailer. Great ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, haul, groom, pick feet, bathe, saddle and bridle. He stands tied anywhere, and quiet for the vet and the farrier.
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Stall #35
35 Chestnut QH Gelding, 11yo, 15.1 hands, Handy broke, English, has leads, jumps. Western, has neck rein, upright and solid built, and is great on the trail. He stands quiet for mount and dismount. He has good ground manners, is easy to catch, lead, load, haul, stands tied, bathes, grooms, gentle to pick feet, saddles, and bridles, and is quiet for the vet and the farrier.
Stall #37
37 Reg. QH Chestnut Gelding, 7yo, 15. hands, English, smooth and balanced W/T/C has lead changes and is cute over the jumps. Western and Trail, has nice neck rein and easy stop, sweet temperament, loves to be cuddled and groomed. He has quiet ground manners, is easy to catch, lead, load, haul, stands tied, bathes, grooms, gentle to pick feet, saddle, and bridle, and quiet for the vet and the farrier.
Stall #38
38 Bay QH Gelding, 7yo, 15.2 hands, English W/T/C, has leads and jumps, will also go Western, has neck rein and loves the trail. He has great ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, hauls, stands tied anywhere, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands for mount and dismount and is good for the vet and the farrier. Loads in the trailer well and is quiet in new places.
Always a great selection of Registered Quarter Horse, Warmbloods, Western Pleasure, Family/Trail Horses, Hunter Jumpers, Registered Paints/Pintos, Draft Crosses, Dressage Horses, Ponies, Eventing Prospects.
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